Board Minutes 2013
Illinois Fox Valley
Society for Human Resources Management
Board Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2013
Attendees: Rebecca Dobbs-Bush, Karla Dobbeck, Lisa Gruhkle, Yvonne Graff, Pam Van Bogaert, Sandy Pajak, Sarah Sester, Dave Butts
Absent – Judy Childress, Carol Stone, Peggy Thodos
Community Outreach – Sandy is currently working with ECC on a student job shadowing program. For our group to work at the local food bank we need to commit as a group. Sandy is checking on other voluntary programs for our group. Rebecca suggested another outreach program of working on interview skills with drug addicts going through a rehabilitation program.
Programs - October presenter is Sara Zorich from SmithAmundsen. November is Sonal Shah from the Management Association
Holiday Party – a discussion was held on our group hosting a holiday. A decision was made that a holiday card will be sent to our members. The topic of putting a gift in the holiday card has been tabled until our October board meeting.
Pay Pal – Dave discussed the topic of using Paypal as a payment option for our members. Lisa made a motion to approve setting up a Paypal account for Illinois Fox Valley SHRM. Karla seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:15
Illinois Fox Valley
Society for Human Resources Management
Board Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2013
Attendees: Rebecca Dobbs-Bush, Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhkle, Judie Childress, Dave Butts, Karla Dobbeck, Sarah Sester
Absent: Carol Stone, Pam Van Bogaert, Peggy Thodos, Sandy Pajak
New Business:
A discussion was had on board nominations for 2014. Following is possible nominations for the open positions:
President Elect – Yvonne Graff
Vice President of Programs – Pam Van Bogaert
Assistant Vice President of Programs – Crystal Gonzalez
Vice President of Membership – Rebecca Dobbs – Bush
VP Of Membership - Karla Dobbeck
Assistant Vice President of Membership – Yvonne Graff
All remaining board positions will be filled by the current board member
Ballots need to be prepared in August and a vote will be taken at the annual meeting in September
Terry Bishop from Northern Illinois University will be available after the general meeting in July to discuss the job shadowing project.
Dave Butts said he is still working on getting the password for the groups yahoo account.
Illinois Fox Valley
Society for Human Resources Management
Board Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2013
Attendees: Judie Childress, Carol Stone, Sandy Pajak, Lisa Gruhkle, Rebecca Dobbs, David Butts, Karla Dobbeck, Yvonne Graff
Absent: Pam Van Bogaert & Peggy Thodos
Rebecca called the meeting to order @ 1:15 p.m.
Old Business:
Bi-laws – members have approved updated bi-laws – they will now be signed and sent to National SHRM
Programs Update – Lisa is looking for strong speakers for the November 2013 and January 204 meetings. State SHRM is compiling a speaker database. Rebecca also suggested contacting John Jorgensen for good speakers.
Website Content – Judie reported that all board member bios have been update on the website. Please contact Judie if any of the content is not correct. Judie also reported that National SHRM allows websites to have a spot for board members only to sign into. Discussion on this will be held at the next board meting
Meeting Minutes – Carol did not receive a full vote on the general & board minutes from the April meeting. Karla made a motion to approve both minutes, Lisa seconded the motion. All board members were in favor, none opposed.
Membership Renewal – Today’s meeting had 9 guests attending. Yvonne already received application and payment from 7 of the 9 guest and also has 1 maybe. The next membership drive will be in October (October meeting will be on a legal topic)
June Member Social – Dave will order the padfolios today for the June meeting. They will be less than his $1,500.00 budget
NIU/Judson Student Shadow Program – Terry Bishop from NIU will be at the July meeting to discuss the Job Shadow Program
New Business:
Community Outreach – Sandy suggested that the board members each volunteer at the Food Bank in Geneva. Board member would work 2 hours shift. After our shifts are complete we could go out for pizza.
Leadership for 2014 – It is time to start thinking of leadership/board members for 2014. Board members are capped at 9 years (Dave is currently at 8 consecutive years)
E-mail Account – Dave is looking for password to the yahoo e-mail account. Dave will continue to work on getting this password.
Meeting adjourned @ 1:40
Board Meeting
April 18, 2013
Attendees: Rebecca Dobbs, Yvonne Graff, David Butts, Carol Stone, Judie Childress, Sandy Pajak, Karla Dobbeck
Absent: Lisa Gruhkle, Sarah Sester, Susan Jayne, Peggy Thodos
Meeting Called to Order @ 1:10 p.m.
Old Business:
Programs: June – After discussion Karla motioned to confirm networking social for June meeting. Judie seconded all board members were in favor of this motion. A free picnic lunch at Hickory Stick will replace meeting with speaker. Lunch will be on the patio, weather permitting. Members and non-members included.
Several website updates are needed. Rebecca has updated the spreadsheet that she forwarded to board members. Bios need to be updated. Board members were asked to go to the website and click on “More” to update bios. The “About Us” introduction on the website has been located. Dave will forward it to Judie.
Survey of membership regarding renewal and retention of members tabled for a future meeting. Webinars and electronic payment may be added to the survey when more information is available.
Membership Committee report concerning the membership drive and incentive rewards. The board viewed samples of padfolios provided by Dave Butts. Judie motioned that Dave can pursue padfolios as a member benefit with a limit of $25. Sandy seconded. All members were in favor of this motion.
May event: Sandy motioned that a drawing for a kindle, approximate cost of $200, will be held for all new members, joining at the May meeting and for all members referring new members. Judie seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.
Out reach efforts tabled for a future meeting.
Regarding NIU/Judson Student Shadow Program status: Sandy and Rebecca are working on finding connections at these schools.
Yvonne will work with Kirsten to develop a system to keep track of guests in the system.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
March 21, 2013
Attendees: Peggy Thodos, Sarah Sester, Carol Stone, Lisa Gruhkle, Judie Childress, Rebecca Dobbs, Karla Dobbeck, Sandy Pajak, Dave Butts, Susan Jayne, Yvonne Graff
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert
Rebecca called the meeting to order @ 1:14
Old Business:
Bi Law Review – Rebecca has submitted the bi-laws to National for approval and we are currently waiting for their response.
Stateline Event Update – Event was very successful. The joint event brought in $1457 for the chapter. The chapter received $237 for our part of the profits from the payments to Stateline. We received $1220 in revenue from our sponsors and participants.
Officer/Director Title Status – After a discussion Yvonne motioned to move Pam Van Bogaert to Assistant Director of Member Benefits and add Karla Dobbeck to the board with the title of Assistant VP of Membership. Lisa made a motion to approve this motion and Judy seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of this motion. A motion was then made by Sarah to have Rebecca Dobbs as our Director of Legislation. Peggy made a motion to approve this motion and Yvonne seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of this motion.
New Business:
Programs Report – Lisa handed out the scheduled program report for 2013. A discussion was had on having a paid speaker towards the end of year to boost membership for the following year. Ryan Estes, John Blumbey and Mark LeBlanc were suggested speakers.
Board Meeting
January 17, 2013
Attendees: Rebecca Dobbs, Lisa Gruhkle, David Butts, Sarah Sester, Carol Stone, Judie Childress, Sue Oswalt, Sandi Pajak, Susan Jayne, Peggy Thodos, Pam Van Bogaert
Absent: Yvonne Graff
Meeting Called to Order @ 10:35
Hickory Stick has Wi-Fi available in the general meeting room. Board meetings will be held in board room @ Hickory Stick
New Business:
Officer/Director Title Status – A discussion was held on the current board members and the number of Board/Directors positions. The current format of the board is set up to job share, so there are 2 people for each position. The webmaster position title will be removed and this position will now be under Director of Member Benefits (voting position). Susan Jayne is ok with keeping her committee member position. She may not be able to attend all board meetings due to a scheduling conflict. Sue Oswalt volunteered for the Director of Legislation position. Carol Stone volunteered for the assistant secretary position. The Assistant of Member Benefits position will be tabled until the next board meeting.
A motion was made to vote for the following board positions:
- Judie Childress – Director of Member Benefits
- Sue Oswalt – Director of Legislation
- Carol Stone – Assistant Secretary
Lisa Gruhkle made a motion to approve the proposed board positions
Sue Oswalt 2nd the motion for the board positions
All members were in favor – motion approved
Karla Dobbeck and Cara Teuber have also expressed interest in board positions.
Bylaw Review – Rebecca e-mailed out the final version of the updated bylaws to all board members.
A motion was made to vote for sending the bylaws to SHRM National
Judie Childress made a motion to approve sending the bylaws to SHRM National
Dave Butts seconded the motion
All members were in favor – motion approved
Stateline Event Update – Lisa reported that the ½ day meeting with the Stateline and Northwest HR Council is scheduled for February 21, 2013 from 7:30 to 12:30. The event will take place at The Brides of Poplar Creek, Hoffman Estates. Our group has 3 sponsors covering the cost of this event. Cost to members is $50.00
Diversity – Susan Jayne & JoAnne Peterson are working on our diversity initiative for 2013. Susan has a survey to hand out to all members at today’s general meeting. They will be following the Shape document for the diversity initiative. The plan is to start with what Diversity means in the workplace and in our community. Susan Jayne will put together a diversity presentation for a general meeting in the fall.
Summer Social – A summer social will be held in 2013 instead of a holiday party.
Meeting adjourned @ 11:15