Less than one week left to save $100!
Stand out and prove your HR expertise with an HRCI certification credential behind your name.
Click here for more information on a job fair Saturday, January 22nd.
Fox Valley Orthopedics is hosting a job fair on 11/13/21. Click here for more information.
Our chapter welcomes new members in 2021:
Kane County Sheriff's Ofiice OSHA 10-Hour Certification - October 14-15, 2021 $
The Kane County Sheriff's Office is partnering with Valley Industrial Association to host a free Manufacturing Day Virtual Hiring Event Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm.
Beginning on August 18, 2021 SHRM (national) will begin a “Dual Membership” alignment for all 100% Chapters (that is us).
Click here for more information on the SHRM Dual Membership coming August 2021!