Board Minutes 2015
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Sara Zorich, Judie Childress, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, David Butts, & Kristen May
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert & Crystal Gonzalez
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:16
Old Business:
Budget Planning for 2016 – consider adding additional money towards baskets & SHRM donation. Dave will update the proposed budget for a final vote via e-mail
ECC Meeting Room Agreement – cost is $14.00 per person with a minimum of 20 people. Dave made a motion to accept the ECC meeting room agreement. Lisa seconded the motion, all members were in favor, motion carried.
Volunteer Points – Yvonne has a spreadsheet with points that members earned in 2015. Rewards for volunteer points earned will be distributed at the January meeting. Crystal will have to decide if she wants to continue the volunteer point system in 2016.
Nook – the Nook that we have in inventory will be part of the January give aways.
Drop Box - a motion was made by Lisa to set up a drop box account. The motion was seconded by Judy. All members were in favor – motion carried. Once the drop box account is set up, all of the chapter set up documents and other important papers will be scanned into the drop box account by Kristen.
January Meeting – Yvonne will swear in the new officers at the January meeting.
New Member Approval – Lisa presented Jenny Andrews from Sikich as a new member. Sara made a motion to approve Jenny; the motion was seconded by Judy. All members were in favor. Motion approved. Lisa reported that the current National SHRM roster shows 48 members for our group, but 7 members are missing because they are currently on the Wisconsin Fox Valley SHRM membership roster.
SHRM Reporting – Yvonne has submitted the Cliff report and in January she will submit the Shape report.
New Business:
2016 Paypal Update – Sarah has been set up as the administrator for the PayPal account. For 2016 we will want to be able to process renewals & membership through PayPal. For membership a disclaimer will be added and for any member that is not approved their dues will be returned via check or PayPal.
Leadership Education – Lisa presented information that she received from Gary on his leadership courses. After a review of his information it was determined that he would have to present as a sponsor and pay the sponsor fee.
EEOC program in February – Sara asked if Lawyers from the Kane County Board could attend this meeting to hear the EEOC presentation. The lawyers would attend as guests. Board agreed the lawyers could attend the meeting as guests.
Illinois Department of Labor will be presenting in April they have a requirement that we can earn no profit for the meeting. This would be a special meeting and the cost for the meeting will only be $20.00 per attendee (including guests). Judy made a motion to approve the April meeting as a special meeting with costs per attendees only being $20.00. Lisa seconded the motion. All members were in favor. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:10.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Sara Zorich, Pam Van Bogaert, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, Crystal Gonzalez, David Butts, & Kristen May
Absent –Judie Childress
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:15
New Business:
Strategic Planning Meeting – the meeting will be held on October 1, 2015 @ 8:00 a.m. at the Fox Trail Restaurant in South Elgin. The meeting format will be similar to last year with a SWAT analysis.
Survey Results – Yvonne passed out the results of the recent member survey. All survey results were positive.
Budget Planning – Dave will be sending out the needed budget information for 2016.
Shape – Yvonne is working on the 2015 Shape report to be submitted to National SHRM. Yvonne will be speaking to Judson students about the HR field. This event will be included in our outreach initiative.
2016 Membership Renewals – Lisa plans to send out the membership renewal notices by October. A discussion was had on what type of gifts to give renewing and new members. A motion was made by Sandy to give all new members for 2016 a choice of a travel mug or a padfolio and for renewing members a $10.00 give card in a coffee mug. All membership fees must be paid by 12/31/2015. Yvonne seconded this motion. All board members were in favor. Motion passed.
Pay Pal – Dave will contact PayPal to get the details on setting up the account in Sarah’s name.
Meeting adjourned at 1:35
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Sara Zorich, Pam Van Bogaert, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, Crystal Gonzalez, David Butts, & Kristen May
Absent – Carol Graham & Judie Childress
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:14
Old Business:
Budget – Dave has all of the information for the budget and the budget is in good shape.
Membership Drive Update – Lisa is still working on the zip code issue from National SHRM.
SHRM Foundation Donation – Dave confirmed that the donation check has been mailed.
New Business:
Review of Bylaws – the board did a review of all sections of the bylaws. A motion was made by Sandy to approve the bylaws with no changes. The motion was seconded by Lisa. All members were in favor of the motion – motion carried.
Strategic Planning Meeting – the meeting will be held on October 1, 2015 @ 8:00 a.m. Possible location is Colonial. The meeting format will be similar to last year with a SWAT analysis.
Nomination Committee for Board Positions – a discussion was had on eliminating the assistant secretary position. If the secretary is unable to attend the meeting a fellow board member or the group admin will take the minutes. A discussion was also had on possible new board members and realigning some of the current board positions. Yvonne will reach out to members for 2 new board members (Jeremiah, Kathy Fossler) and other current board members to see if they are interested in another board position. Lisa volunteered for President-Elect. Sarah S. could move to treasurer and Sara Z. could take over as Secretary.
Christmas Social – A discussion was had on having a social in January. The meeting will be a legal update. The meeting would be free for members who have renewed their 2016 membership. The lunch would be upgraded from our standard lunch. There would be no December meeting.
Alignment for Collaborative Education - the City of Elgin is promoting this program. Lisa will contact the city & get the details.
Member Survey – Yvonne will put together survey to our members who have not attended the last few meetings to determine why our attendance has been low. Kristen will e-mail out the surveys.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Carol Graham, Judie Childress, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, David Butts, & Kristen May
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert, Crystal Gonzalez, Sara Zorich
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:05
Membership Drive Update – Martha Ramirez (SHRM) confirmed on May 28, 2015 that the e-mail blast was sent for our July meeting, but Lisa discovered that the e-mail blast was only sent to zip codes 60102 & 60103. Lisa is going to call Martha to resolve this issue before our next membership drive in September.
Lack of Attendance – A discussion was had on the lack of attendance for our last couple of general meetings. Possible reasons for low attendance; summer time, change of venue, construction, e-mail blast not getting to members/non-members. We also discussed changing the meeting time. Does being 100% SHRM hurt our membership? If we are not a 100% chapter then we will no longer be able to send e-mail blasts through SHRM, we would still receive labels, and our group would lose revenue from SHRM. The board will continue to monitor this situation over the next few months.
Miss You Postcards – Kristen mailed out 11 postcards at the end of May
SHRM Basket Donation – there is $100.00 in the budget for the basket. Yvonne will put the basket together. Possible idea is to have Little Traveler put together and wrap the basket.
SHRM Foundation – a motion was made by Judie Childress to make a $100.00 donation to the SHRM Foundation after Martha Ramirez’s presentation at our May meeting. Lisa 2nd the motion. All members were in favor – motion carried.
Platinum Status – this status level does not require board members to donate to SHRM
Sponsorships – Judie has verbal sponsorship commitment from GCG financial, but has not received the sponsorship check yet. Ron Pryer formerly with Manpower and currently with Edward Jones asked Sarah if he could join our group as a member or sponsor. Ron can join our group as either a member or sponsor.
D& O Policy – Dave has purchased a 2 year Director & Officer policy for a cost of $1314.00.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Crystal Gonzalez, Sara Zorich, Judie Childress, Kristen May & Martha Ramirez
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert, David Butts, Carol Graham, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:13
Old Business:
Sponsorship Update – Judie contacted Michael Engelhardt at GCG Financial. He has paid $75 so far towards sponsorship and would like to offer our ILFVSHRM members free webinars for recertification credits and a benchmark survey. Judie will get a reference from Grundy/Will chapter before proceeding. A sponsorship list will also be created as membership benefit to hand out to members.
Yvonne spoke with Peter Chung at Careerbuilder who is interested in sponsoring and Judie will follow up with him.
Membership Drive Update – A membership drive email will be going out on 5/28 for the June meeting. There will also be a membership drive in July and September. Lisa will contact SHRM to review zip code range for a postcard mailing to mail in July and August. A promotion for the September meeting is for any guests that join will only have to pay $100 for the remainder of 2015 and their 2016 membership (September-December free).
New Business:
Initiatives – Yvonne listed potential initiatives for Platinum level. All five initatives have been met or have a plan to be met by the end of the year:
- Membership retention through additional benefits – Judie (Sponsorships)
- Actively pursue college HR candidates for membership (Sandi)
- Sponsor company internships & participate in career fair (Sandi)
- Educate HR professionals regarding benefits of diversity (Susan Jayne)
- Create plan to educate local SHRM members to support A-Team Initiative (Sara with presentation in November)
A motion was made @ 2:02 by Judie to adjourn the meeting. Lisa seconded the motion. All members in favor – motion approved.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Carol Graham, Sara Zorich , Sarah Sester, & Kristen May
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert, David Butts, Crystal Gonzalez, Judie Childress, Sandi Pajak
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:17
Old Business:
Sponsorship Update – Judie (via e-mail) has sent out numerous e-mails to potential sponsors, but currently has not received any responses. Crystal advised Judie of a potential sponsor that needed information.
Pay Pal Update – Pay Pal is working fine – 80% of today’s guests paid for the general meeting via Pay Pal.
Twitter Account – A twitter account for our group has been set up by Kristen. Currently Kristen is just posting meeting information on Facebook & Twitter. Kristen will contact Susan Jayne for additional posting ideas. The administrative password for LinkedIn has still not been found. Yvonne & Kristen will continue to determine the admin password for LinkedIn.
New Business:
Membership Drives – Illinois Fox Vallley SHRM will hold membership drives in May & June. Lisa needs to confirm the speaker for June with Crystal. This information will be used to promote the June membership drive.
New Members – Lisa has two new members that the board needs to vote on. Lisa will send the voting information via e-mail to the board.
ECC Location Feedback – Overall the meeting went well today @ ECC. For future meetings we would like to make the room smaller, possibly half of the current size. It was a little cold in the room. Lisa will talk to them about the room temperature. Parking was a little far away, but did not seem to be an issue. Kristen will give ECC the available budget for the lunches at our future meetings.
SHRM Gold or Platinum Levels – Yvonne handed out the requirements for our group to be named a gold or platinum level by National SHRM. After a discussion of the requirements it was agreed up on that our goal would be to get to Platinum level for 2015. To accomplish this goal we will need to complete 3 additional initiatives in 2015. Yvonne will send out initiative ideas to the board for discussion and a vote at the May meeting.
Other Business:
Speakers - Sara reported that Mike Wong is available for speaking to our group in October if needed. Sara will not be available for the October meeting, but would be available for November. We need to confirm with Crystal on the meeting she has scheduled for a legislative update.
Thank you note – it was agreed upon that Kristen will send a thank you card to the speaker after his or her presentation.
Raffle – a possible new idea would be to have all attendees put their business cards into a raffle and we could raffle off part of the donation from the sponsor for that meeting.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Crystal Gonzalez, Judie Childress, Carol Graham, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, & Kristen May
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert, David Butts, Sara Zorich
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:08
Old Business:
Meeting Place Update – Hickory Stick is charging us $14.07 per person and will not let us have any input on our lunch selections. Hickory Stick would also require us to continue to meet in the small room. Our April & May meetings are booked at ECC. ECC is available for our meetings the remainder of the year. Lisa will book ECC after our first couple of meetings there to verify that ECC meets our meeting needs. Meetings will be located in building E in the dining room. We will need to be named on ECC’s insurance policy. Our next meeting invite will include information on the e-mail stating the meeting will be held at ECC.
Pay Pal Update – Kristen reported that 5 people paid with pay pal with no issue. Yvonne & Sarah said that they tried to pay via PayPal but the transaction did not go through. Yvonne & Sarah will try again next month.
New Business:
Membership – Donna Mann @ NIU will let a member of our group do a presentation at the Northern certification classes. Judie is willing to present at the Dekalb campus. We could add these presentations to our SHAPE report.
Programs – programs are all set up for 2015. Kathleen Caldwell is available for October. Sara Zorich (or another lawyer from her firm) can do a legislative update for November.
Board Goals from Strategic Meeting – more social media, we have already created a Facebook page. Considering setting up a Twitter or Instagram account - need to ask Susan Jayne for ideas with Twitter & Instagram. Member surveys – one survey has been sent out for 2015. Local Partnerships – we are working with Northern Illinois University.
Speaker for Career Connections – Yvonne received an e-mail from Norine Wiebmer @ Career Connections. We will not need move forward with this since it may be more of a sales push to our members. Career Connections is a possible future sponsor for our group.
Sponsorship – Sandy said that the bank that she works for maybe interested in being a sponsor at a future meeting. Judies will send Sandy the information on becoming a sponsor. Possible sponsors include; our current insurance agent, banks, wellness companies, occupational health companies, payroll providers, background screening companies, professional photographers. A survey could also be sent to our members asking them what type of service providers that would like to see as sponsors.
Budget – The 2015 budget for Ilinois Fox Valley SHRM was approved by Board Members via e-mail.
LinkedIn – we need the administrator information for our LinkedIn Account. Sarah will check the minutes.
Yvonne made a motion @ 1:40 to adjourn the meeting, motion was seconded by Lisa & Carol. Motion approved.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Crystal Gonzalez, Sara Zorich, Judie Childress, Carol Graham, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, & Kristen May
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert, David Butts
Yvonne called the meeting to order @ 1:20
Programs – Sara volunteered to present a legislative update in October 2015. With the October meeting booked, programs for all of 2015 have been booked.
Exempt Status – Once finalized Sara will need 5 minutes at the meeting to present the exempt status and changes.
Old Business:
Luncheon Price Increase – Due to the current issue of determining a lunch venue for our future meetings a discussion was had on reversing the luncheon price increase that was voted on in January 2015. A motion was made by Yvonne to keep our lunch meeting prices at the same price (no increase). The motion was seconded by Lisa. All in Favor - motion approved.
Meeting Place Update – Lisa will check ECC to determine what facilities they have for lunch meetings. The group will continue to meet at Hickory Stick until a new meeting venue is found.
2015 Budget Review – The final budget numbers still need to be approved. The revenue, programs & meeting place numbers need to be confirmed in the budget. Yvonne will confirm the final budget numbers with Dave and send the information to the board members for an online vote.
Sponsorship – Judy will contact a member that expressed interest in being a sponsor at a future meeting.
Volunteer Point System – Yvonne will present the Volunteer Point System at the March 2015 meeting. Sign-up sheets will be available at the March meeting.
Illinois Bar Program Update (May) – Illinois Fox Valley SHRM will not be able to participate in this meeting due to the event being scheduled the same day as our March 2015 meeting.
Mission Statement Update - A motion was made by Judy to approve the following Mission Statement for the Illinois Fox Valley SHRM group:
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM’s mission is to be a premier resource for our members while advancing our HR profession.
A motion was made by Judy to approve this mission statement, motion was seconded by Crystal. All members were in favor – motion approved.
New Business:
Membership Drives – membership drives are currently scheduled for April, July & September.
Programs – Crystal was given approval to reimburse the April speaker for miles from Madison, Wisconsin and that he can also use our group as a reference.
Chambers – Lisa is going to check with local chambers to see if we can advertise our meetings.
Pay Pal – the pay pal option will be added to our next invitation. The invitation will also include steps on how to pay via PayPal.
NIU Partnership – Judy has e-mailed & called Donna Mann for the information needed for our website. She has not received a response from Donna. Sandy will try to contact Donna Mann.
Post Cards – add group e-mail address, no phone # needed.
Volunteers Leader Conference Update – the state leadership conference was very informative. The speaker presented some very good ideas on keeping the meeting exciting. During the conference they had members break out and conduce Hacklab sessions. Hacklab session are when you take an issue and break it down to smaller pieces and work on resolutions & ideas to that issue.
New Members:
Virgina Fibela – Metro Staffing
1st Motion – Sara
2nd – Judy
All members in favor – member approved
Dawn Koglen – Fox Valley Orthopedic
1st Motion – Sandy
2nd – Carol
All members in favor – member approved
Paul Sharkey – Tovar Snow Removal
1st Motion – Sandy
2nd – Crystal
All members in favor – member approved
Stacy Vassalo – Fermilab HR Services Manager
1st Motion – Judy
2nd - Sara
All members in favor – member approved
Kristen May Pay Increase – Yvonne made a motion to increase Kristen May’s pay by $1.00 per hour, effective March 1, 2015. Judy 2nd the motion. All members in favor – motion approved. Yvonne will notify Kristen of the pay increase.
Meeting place – Sandy will finalize the April meeting place
A motion was made @ 2:20 by Judy to adjourn the meeting. Crystal seconded the motion. All members in favor – motion approved.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2015
Attendees: Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Crystal Gonzalez, Dave Butts, Sara Zorich, Judie Childress, Sandi Pajak, Sarah Sester, & Kristen May
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert
Old Business:
Pay Pal Update – Dave the PayPal account has been set up. Dave is still working out a few issues. The account is currently set up with his personnel information and he is working on getting that changed. Dave did receive the hardware readers for the phone.
Meeting Place Update – our group will continue to meet at the Hickory Stick for our 2015 meetings. We need to put together an inventory of the items we have to give away for gifts. There is a nook reading device that the group has had since 2013 – need to check to determine if it is a viable give away gift or if we should sell on e-bay.
2015 Budget Review – Dave still is waiting for some updated numbers to finalize the budget. We currently have a deficit for 2015. We need to look into having sponsors for the general meetings. A discussion was also had on raising the lunch fee for the monthly general meetings. Sandy made a motion for the following lunch fees for general meetings:
$25.00 – member lunch fee
$30.00 – member guest lunch fee
$40.00 – non-member guest lunch fee
During discussion Dave added that the motion not be effective until the April 2015 meeting. Motion was seconded by Judy. All board members approved motion. Motion carried
SHRM Preferred Provider Program – all paperwork has been filed and our chapter is set up for the new systems. Sandy will discuss how the SHRM tutorial for member’s new certification works at the next general meeting.
Business Cards & Post Cards – the business cards are complete. Kristen will hand out the business cards during registration at the general meetings. Sandy & Kristen are working on the post cards and will discuss this project at the next board meeting. Kristen will send out the wording for the post cards via e-mail for board approval.
Mission Statement – Yvonne handed out copies of the current mission statement. Board members need to review the current statement and be prepared to discuss at the next meeting.
New Business:
2015 Board Meeting Dates - Yvonne handed out a list of the 2015 general & board meeting dates
Volunteer Leadership Meeting – The ILSHRM Volunteer Leaders’ Conference is Monday January 26, 2015 at the Tinley Park Convention Center.
Volunteer Point System – Yvonne handed out a proposed Volunteer Point System to encourage participation in our meetings. A motion was made by Lisa to start the Volunteer Point System. The motion was seconded by Judy. All members were in favor of the motion – motion carried. A discussion was had on different reward ideas for the volunteer point systems. Ideas included discount lunch ($10.00 off), coupon for points, assist with community outreach, remove National dues contribution and add a Starbucks gift card. Yvonne will put together a list of reward ideas for the volunteer point system to all board members for e-mail approval.
Other Business:
Online banking– Dave is setting up online banking for the group and needs to know which board members need access; Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and President. Information should also be kept in the official meeting minute binders.
Survey Results – 6 surveys were returned with the membership application/renewal. All of the surveys were satisfactory. Following were a couple of comments; no diversity within the group members are all over 40 and white females, one on membership dues being expensive and one on topics for programs.
Illinois Bar Association – Sara said the Illinois Bar Association is putting on a program in May and would like to partner with the Illinois Fox Valley SHRM so the program will be eligible for HRCI & SHRM credits. Sara will provide additional information at the next Board Meeting.
Membership Drive – 2 membership drives is the minimum for 2015. Lisa will work on dates for the membership drives.
Membership Renewals – some board members reported that they did not receive the original e-mails on the membership renewal. Yvonne was going to check into why the membership renewal e-mails were possibly not received (possibly they just went to members SPAM accounts). For 2015 membership renewals should be sent out via mail in October and then can also be paid via Pay Pay.
Meeting Adjourned – Judy made a motion @ 2:00 to adjourn the meeting. Crystal seconded the motion. All members were in favor of the motion - motion carried