Board Minutes 2017
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2017
Attendees: Yvonne Graf, Lisa Gruhlke, Sara Zorich, Sarah Sester, Kristen May, Pam Van Bogaert, Kathy Fosser, Crystal Gonzalez, Judie Childress and Carmen Lainez.
Absent – None.
Guest – Warren Krup.
Crystal called the meeting to order at 1:06 pm.
New Business:
- Better Together Event with National SHRM – Discussion held regarding effectiveness of event.
- Marketing – Discussion held regarding targeted marketing.
- Buddy Program – Discussion held regarding returning to the board member buddy system to retain members.
- 100% SHRM Chapter – Discussion held regarding whether it is still cost effective to be a 100% SHRM chapter; note to discuss numbers more at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1:55 pm.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2017
Attendees: Yvonne Graf, Lisa Gruhlke, Sara Zorich, Sarah Sester, Kristen May, Judie Childress, Kathy Fosser, Crystal Gonzalez and Carmen Lainez.
Absent – Pam Van Bogaert.
Guest – Beth Horvis.
Crystal called the meeting to order at 1:06 pm.
New Business:
- Discussion held regarding Better Together Event with National SHRM
- Speakers: (1) Greg Weisenhall (Leadership); (2) Sara Zorich (Form I-9); Tracy Ellis (?); (3) Martha Ramirez; (4) Ken Carsen
- Swag Bags/gift cards
- Thank you gifts
- Food/beverage tickets
- 2018 Board – Discussion held regarding vacant positions.
- CEO Event – Discussion held regarding bring your boss and the boss will pay lunch only.
- Elgin Chamber – Discussion held regarding partnership and webinar event.
- Strategic meeting – Discussion held regarding event at Alexander’s in St. Charles on 10/26 at 7:30 am for breakfast.
- SHRM DC Volunteer Summit – Discussion held regarding attendees and cost
Meeting adjourned at 2:02 pm.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2017
Attendees: Yvonne Graf, Lisa Gruhlke, Pam Van Bogaert, Sarah Sester, Crystal Gonzalez, Kristen Manning, Kathleen Fosser, Judie Childress, Carmen Lainez and Martha Ramirez
Absent –Sara Zorich
Crystal called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm
New Business:
- Welcome Carmen Lainez to the board as Community Outreach Director.
- Membership challenges were discussed with Martha Ramirez. Membership will do an email blast for July’s meeting. Martha will send dates for a possible social event, “Better Together” in September. Presenters will have 5 minutes to present with slides. Discussed a special offer of 2 months free membership when you join at the event. Pam will check out venues.
- Succession Planning Survey – Crystal will send Kristen information to send out a survey to members.
- Sarah is working on renewing our tax exempt status.
- The board voted on and approved two new members, Brittni Tebedo and Shonima Kumrah.
Meeting adjourned at 1:54 pm.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2017
Attendees: Crystal Gonzalez, Yvonne Graff, Lisa Gruhlke, Judie Childress, Kristen May, Sarah Sester and Kathy Fosser.
Absent – Sandi Pajak, Pam Van Bogaert and Sara Zorich.
Crystal called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm.
Old Business:
- Meeting Place – Currently $20.66 per person for hot lunch at ECC. 22 people attended today’s meeting but there’s a 25 person minimum we have to pay for. Today’s lunch was cheaper but verbal feedback was not in favor of sandwich lunches. It was agreed that we would move forward with Elgin Country Club as a meeting place for April, May and June. The country club is already booked for July. The lunch cost at Elgin country club will be $19.81 with no minimum number of attendees. They will also accommodate special dietary requirements at no additional charge. Yvonne will arrange the meeting details with the country club. If we need to have future meetings at ECC, it would be advantageous for us to find the non-profit certificate so we can get the 20% discount on the room charges. Judie will try to track down the paperwork. Lisa Gruhlke made a motion to hold the April, May and June meetings at Elgin Country Club and Judie Childress seconded. All members were in favor of the motion – motion carried.
- Post Office box - moved to Elgin (PO Box 5780). Letterhead and membership forms will require address changes. Keys will be held by Judie Childress and Sarah Sester.
New Business:
- Meeting invitations will include asking for any dietary restrictions in order for the meal to be ready for the attendee (instead of requesting it at the meeting and waiting for it to be prepared). When registering for meetings, multiple responses are still being received by some members and other members are not getting any e-mail response when registering. Kristen will look into this.
- Cinco de Mayo member event will be held 5/11/17 at 5:30pm at Coronado’s in South Elgin (on Randall Road).Kristen will order cellophane bags, Fiesta Butter mints for the bags and order key chains to tie onto the bags with an invitation to the event.These will be handed out to members at the next meeting.A motion to spend up to $125.00 for these items was made by Judie Childress and Crystal Gonzalez seconded.All members were in favor of the motion - motion carried.
- ½ Day CE Event for March, 2018 was tabled for discussion at the next board meeting (no board meeting in March).
- 2017 Transitions – Board member terms and max years (9) discussed.Sarah Sester will e-mail the spreadsheet of all board member terms for future discussion.
- Kristen will need to replace the current name badges we use.The backs are falling off.
A motion was made by Lisa Gruhlke to adjourn the meeting with second by Judie Childress. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 2:04 pm.
Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Board Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2017
Attendees: Yvonne Graf, Lisa Gruhlke, Sara Zorich, Kristen May, Sarah Sester, Crystal Gonzalez, Kathy Fosser, Judie Childress and Pam Van Bogaert.
Absent –Sandi Pajak.
Crystal called the meeting to order at 1:14 pm.
Old Business:
- 2017 budget – Discussion held.
- SHRM Preferred Provider – Discussion held.
New Business:
- Meeting Place – Discussion held regarding alternate locations and venues.
- 5 de Mayo Membership Event planning – Discussion held regarding having event at Cornado’s on May 11, 2017.
- ½ CE Event for March 2018 – Discussion held and issue was tabled.
- SHRM Awards – Discussion held and issue was tabled.
- 2017 Transitions – Discussion held.
- Post Office – Discussion held regarding moving to Elgin location.
- Renewal memberships – Discussion held regarding 44 renewals before January 1st, gift cards and increasing membership.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.