Board Minutes 2020
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 17, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 1:34 p.m.
- General
- Kristen sent out member survey – confirmed that we had received 20 responses
- A follow up email to go out tomorrow or Monday
- Sarah suggested Monday, Sept. 21st
- In October – we need to have a strategic meeting
- Can’t do it in person
- Would everyone still prefer a virtual meeting
- October 22
- Speaking of Delight – we should send donations to SHRM foundation
- We need to up our donation every year to be eligible for the award
- State Conference – has anyone seen anything for donations? - Lisa has not
- Membership
- Do we want to set a target date for the membership renewals to go out?
- Kristen has message ready to go – wants to talk to Sue and Beth about it being sent
- Sue working on eblast
-To include three months free for hardship
-Suggested doing whatever we did last year
b. Kevin and Sue had a chat with some of the new members – That went well
- Programs
- Sarah asked Ron what else is on the docket outside of the legislative update
- Ron said that Sarah is ready to go with her presentation but wants to do it in person
- Judie suggested getting a SHRM speaker if we are going to continue to be virtual
- Ron to talk to SHRM presenters- Delight’s or others
- Social/Not a Social
- Sue reported on the social earlier.
- has everything set up
- working on a little more information so Kristen can submit it for the certification
- Had $2100 allocated for event last year
- Presenter $500
- $1600 remaining for an appreciation gift for all members
- Maybe an amazon gift card
- Is this just for those who attend or everyone?
-Put it in the email to state that anyone who attends will receive a member gift
- Amount for Delight still has to come out - $125-200
- Sue to resend Lisa email where she detailed everything so she can review amount.
- To send $130 to SHRM foundation for Delight’s presentation
- Review what we have given to presenters previously
- Miscellaneous
- Carmen spoke to Yvonne
- She is spread too thin and cannot commit to anything this year
- Sue/Kevin – anything else?
- Kevin thinks we have accomplished everything we have set out to do
- Sue agrees – we got the message out there
- Kevin suggests that some of the other topics he has thrown out could be for regular meetings
- Judie mentioned that people are getting burnt out on regular meetings
- Sarah agrees we should just stick to our regular schedule
- Kristen sent out dates for 2021
- need to confirm February date
- Has Kristen has any contact with Elgin Country Club
- She has, she sent them these dates and we just have to let them know if/when we are able to meet in person
Meeting concluded 1:50pm
Meeting adjourned.
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 20, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 12:51 p.m.
- General
- We chatted about how tired everyone is on to keep meeting virtually
- Only 4 people on this call that were non-board members
- People going back to college
- Sarah curious to see how next year goes
i. people are webinared out
ii. Ron- see how numbers are going next month
iii. We have to brainstorm and figure out ways to engage members
iv. Sarah imagines that there won’t be any volunteer leadership conferences this year
- Treasurer
- How are things with CD?
- Maturing on 9/3
- Sarah and Lisa talked about taking out $5000 and reinvest $10000
- Judie motions 1 year for 1%
- Sarah seconds
- Ron encouraged group to look into bond
- Kevin suggested laddering
- Ron said it wouldn’t be worth it
- Could we do less than a year?
- Vote to take out $5000 and reinvest $10000
- Ron- yes
- Vicki- yes
- Kevin- yes
- Beth – yes
- Sarah – yes
- Lisa – yes
- Judie - yes
- Financially doing pretty well
- We don’t have as much coming in but we don’t have to pay for meeting space
- Tough getting sponsors
- -Kristen suggested having them pay a lower fee
-Charge quarterly
-Sarah said if we could work with them, something is better than nothing
-Sarah asked if anyone has reached out to Ron for sponsors
-Ron said no one has but maybe we should look into reaching out to
- Sarah said we could reach out to former sponsors
-What is the value for sponsors?
-Not allowed to solicit membership
-Can provide materials, links on our website
-Can give pitch at meetings
-Kevin – maybe temp agencies or
-Kristen to reach out to former sponsors to see if any of them want to renew
- Membership – Sue
- How is low engagement going to affect our membership in 2021?
Sue to touch base with membership
- Survey on how they are doing, what do they need, can we help them in any wayKevin – if someone is in transition, could we give them their fee for free?
- Sarah – do we have them reevaluated at the end of the quarter?
- Sue – is there a way to give a discount to those members that may be in transition
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 16, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 1:16 p.m.
- Treasurer
- We are holding our own even with lack of revenue
- Aren’t paying country club so it is balancing things out
- CD ends in September
- Do we want to pull some of that out?
- Lisa motioned to pull $5000 and reinvest remainder
- Mike seconded
- Sarah approved motion
- Membership – Sue
- 58 current members
- New eblast to go out hopefully 7/24
- Highlights the noodling series
- Thoughts on Social/Not a Social - October
- Irena – part of the miniseries
- She could do social/not a social
- Programming
- Sarah –meetings will be virtual through 2020
- September meeting needs to be rescheduled – presenter does not want to do it virtually
- Kevin willing to move up HR Dept. of One presentation in September
- Sarah asked Judie or Ron to work on rescheduling September presenter to see if she could do next year or go virtual?
- Suggestions – presentation ideas
- Community Outreach – Yvonne?
- She needs to know what to present on
-Focused on managers
-Focused on all levels of employees
-Hone in on what she should deliver
-Can we give her more info on what to present?
-Kevin - sexual harassment training or policies for handbooks
- Judie mentioned her training has gotten pushed to back burner
- Sarah – has not started working on it yet
- Do we know anyone that can do this?
- Can Mike do a sexual harassment training? Yes – would suggest separate training for managers and employees
D. Noodling
- Last session September 8th?
- Maybe we can do another session with Tracy Ellis?
- Would Yvonne be able to present?
- Judie – needs more info for putting in request for credits
- Synopsis of topics and backgrounds of speakers
- Needs to be done in portal
- Sue O. has all info in email
E. Miscellaneous
- Recording sessions
- Is there a way to put a password on the recordings
- Do we need to have presenter presentation before is recorded?
- Don’t want to be in violation of Illinois Law
- State Council
- Do we need to make donation to SHRM foundation?
- Is Delight presenting?
- Yes, for noodling session
Meeting concluded 1:23pm
Meeting adjourned.
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 18, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
- General
- Board to get together to meet in person sometime soon (hopefully)
- New hot topics, racism and diversity
- 16 people on call for General Meeting
- Board Attendee
- Sarah
- Kristen
- Judie
- Kevin
- Victoria
- Sue
- Warren
- Beth
- Lisa
- Noodling sessions
- Sue to put together information on upcoming sessions
- Kevin sourced Tracy Ellis – working on date for session
- Possibly 10th of July for this session – maybe noon meeting
-Sarah proposed 11:30am - Sue Suggested that maybe we ask Tracy do a series on this topic
-Kevin to check in with Tracy to see if she would be able to do this - Kevin mentioned that Tracy mentioned next steps beyond what we are doing with diversity & inclusion
-Where are the road blocks within our companies- pay divide, recruiting
- Miscellaneous
- Discuss Elgin Country Club
- Has their been any contact with them recently?
- Do we consider in person meetings for August/September
- Kristen plans to check in with them
- Sarah Schrammer – on schedule for September – prefers in person meeting. May need to reevaluate situation
- Also need to see what Elgin CC is going to do with regards to their mitigation efforts- i.e. social distancing, cleaning, mask wearing, etc.
- Kristen mentioned that come July 1st, current WebEx platform will be unavailable
- New free platform to have a 50 minute limit
- Kristen to price out WebEx and Zoom options to board for review
- Sarah- need to consider how we are presenting information as the board during noodling sessions
- Are we considering ourselves as experts?
- Sue mentioned that they are more information with the exception of the session(s) with Tracy Ellis
- Discuss Elgin Country Club
Meeting concluded 1:23pm
Meeting adjourned
Financials – Lisa followed up with email
- Financially ok
- Funds from SHRM helping cover expenses
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 21, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 1:16 p.m.
- Presenters
- June Speaker
- What do members need from us?
- Ron – Paul Lalonde could do Social Media for June
- Sue thinks Paul would be a good noodler
- Lisa is all for Paul taking over June – it might be nice to see something that is not COVID related
- Sarah thinks that is a good point, we are still noodling about COVID
- Sarah confirmed that we would be fine with him for June
- Ron – Paul Lalonde could do Social Media for June
- What do members need from us?
- Kevin’s Department of One – slating for Fall - The board agrees that we can do that for Fall
- Lisa suggested that we should reach out to Elgin chamber on this. Mike said it would be worth reaching out to them. We can invite other chambers – Lisa linked to Montgomery chapter
- Potential presenters – Mike Warren – Ricoh office interiors
- See what kind of issues they are experiencing in office design now
- Noodling topic?
- Upcoming presenters
- August – Mike Mastriani
- Sept – Sarah
- October – Kevin
- November Open
- Judie to send out updated list
- Mike Mastriani might go back to next year
- Mike – suggested making July update as a free meeting, opening up to non-members?
- June Speaker
- Noodling Sessions
- Sue O. – Topics for next noodling session
- Trying to go around normal chapter meeting date and times
- Have a place to go for people to ask questions
- Have a speaker? Shortened version of key note speakers
- Insurance providers
- Things that are nourishing to members in addition to legislative update
- This is what they are, mark their calendars
- Oakbrook chapter is a good resource
- Chicago chapter – motivating remote workforce, introducing new management styles
- Sue O. – Topics for next noodling session
- Sarah – mentioned a big topic
- Mental health aspect, what we need to do as HR to help fellow employees and ourselves
- HR professionals have been thrown into this pandemic
- Could Yvonne be a good noodling resource? Or should she be a speaker
- Providing guidance and support to people looking to have a career change or job
- Carmen said she could have her join us in noodling session
- Sarah – what would members be looking for with that?
- Sash – suggested survey to see what members are looking for
- Mike Wong – ADA Mask issue
- Not just to employees, how to businesses handle customers and third parties coming into workplace
- Now we are back and what do we need to do in terms of spacing
- Look at CDC guidance of how to open schools
- Doctors telling people to isolate even with their normal seasonal allergies, maybe get a test
- Different health organizations doing different things and CDC guidance is always changing
- Noodling session for every other week
- Sarah to ask Kristen to put together a survey to see if people are interested in Yvonne’s topics, and ask questions to see what they are interested in
- Noodling dates go through early august
- First date – potentially June 2nd 9:30-10am
- Sarah to reach out to broker to see if they want to go over anything
- currently profit of $700 on the year
4. Miscellaneous
- Sash – if anyone needs to change their member contact info, do they just send updated info to Kristen? Yes.
Meeting adjourned.
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 30, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m.
Purpose of meeting was to figure out how we are going to handle meetings down the road.
- Suggestions to become a better resource for our members at this time
- Kevin – what about updates posted on how people are dealing with issues
- Sue O. – talking about Oakbrook – forum every Friday for people to chat about issues
- Sharing experience and how we are handling things
- Lisa having a go to or hotline
- Sarah said we could try it for a couple of weeks to see how it goes
- Reach out to members to let them know we are thinking of them and send email regarding forum
- Sue O. – LinkedIn Group – place for people to go to for questions
- Kristen said she can encourage people to email us questions and she can forward to board
- Sue O. said she can put the email together
- Boost up LinkedIn page and how it can help
- Sarah mentioned that SHRM has a whole COVID page
- Perhaps members have companies that are shut down, deal with unemployment
- Warren – talked about Zoom call
- Possibly encourage our group to chat via Zoom so we can actually see each other
- Lisa said she was on a Chamber call and thought it was a good idea
- Ron – had been helping tons of people answering questions regarding their investments to give them peace of mind
- Willing to provide comfort to members free of charge
- Presenters
- May speaker backed out
- Mike willing to recruit someone from firm to present
- Sara looking for additional ideas for presenters
- Lisa mentioned that Worker’s Comp in the time of COVID-19
- Reporting with OSHA
- Mike – question for next week’s presentation
- One of the other attorneys he is working with is working on SBA loans
CARES Act, loan forgiveness, how to work with a number of employees on it. A lot of people are in the cue for this
- One of the other attorneys he is working with is working on SBA loans
- May speaker backed out
- Presenters (Part two)
- Paul tentatively scheduled for May – Ron could reschedule
- Original May speaker rescheduled for October
- June play by ear
- Off schedule meetings?
- Vicki mentioned scheduling something off schedule
- Mike said he has to check dates for people
- Lisa suggested the 30th
- Mike to check in with speaker
Financial Update
Lisa sent spreadsheet with financials to board
Has several questions for Kristen
Updates to be sent if needed
- Membership
- Sue O. hasn’t looked at members
- Lisa – Debbie Seager renewal came in
- 58 Members currently
- Sue sent February & March e-blast
- Working with Mike on one for April
- One about the group and about COVID
- Sue to put together email for resources for people to help
- Miscellaneous
- Discussed documentation needed for Paid Leave
- Kevin mentioned psychological aspect of what is happening right now, i.e. people living away from their families
- Kristen confirmed that there are 16 members signed up for next week’s meeting
- Discussion regarding layoffs vs. furloughs
- Beth – not done any layoffs but gave people the option for furloughs – backfired – people could get more money being furloughed rather than work 1-2 days week
- Mike confirmed that people may makee more or not losing as much by going on unemployment
- Beth – on furlough employees do no lose benefits – they have to pay premiums
- Get information out on website
12:36pm Sarah motioned to adjourn meeting
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 09, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m.
Purpose of meeting was to figure out how we are going to handle meetings down the road.
- Suggestions to become a better resource for our members at this time
- Kevin – what about updates posted on how people are dealing with issues
- Sue O. – talking about Oakbrook – forum every Friday for people to chat about issues
- Sharing experience and how we are handling things
- Lisa having a go to or hotline
- Sarah said we could try it for a couple of weeks to see how it goes
- Reach out to members to let them know we are thinking of them and send email regarding forum
- Sue O. – LinkedIn Group – place for people to go to for questions
- Kristen said she can encourage people to email us questions and she can forward to board
- Sue O. said she can put the email together
- Boost up LinkedIn page and how it can help
- Sarah mentioned that SHRM has a whole COVID page
- Perhaps members have companies that are shut down, deal with unemployment
- Warren – talked about Zoom call
- Possibly encourage our group to chat via Zoom so we can actually see each other
- Lisa said she was on a Chamber call and thought it was a good idea
- Ron – had been helping tons of people answering questions regarding their investments to give them peace of mind
- Willing to provide comfort to members free of charge
- Presenters
- May speaker backed out
- Mike willing to recruit someone from firm to present
- Sara looking for additional ideas for presenters
- Lisa mentioned that Worker’s Comp in the time of COVID-19
- Reporting with OSHA
- Mike – question for next week’s presentation
- One of the other attorneys he is working with is working on SBA loans
CARES Act, loan forgiveness, how to work with a number of employees on it
- A lot of people are in the cue for this
- Presenters (Part two)
- Paul tentatively scheduled for May – Ron could reschedule
- Original May speaker rescheduled for October
- June play by ear
- Off schedule meetings?
- Vicki mentioned scheduling something off schedule
- Mike said he has to check dates for people
- Lisa suggested the 30th
- Mike to check in with speaker
Financial Update
- Lisa sent spreadsheet with financials to board
- Has several questions for Kristen
- Updates to be sent if needed
- Membership
- Sue O. hasn’t looked at members
- Lisa – Debbie Seager renewal came in
- 58 Members currently
- Sue sent February & March e-blast
- Working with Mike on one for April
- One about the group and about COVID
- Sue to put together email for resources for people to help
- Miscellaneous
- Discussed documentation needed for Paid Leave
- Kevin mentioned psychological aspect of what is happening right now, i.e. people living away from their families
- Kristen confirmed that there are 16 members signed up for next week’s meeting
- Discussion regarding layoffs vs. furloughs
- Beth – not done any layoffs but gave people the option for furloughs – backfired – people could get more money being furloughed rather than work 1-2 days week
- Mike confirmed that people may makee more or not losing as much by going on unemployment
- Beth – on furlough employees do no lose benefits – they have to pay premiums
- Get information out on website
12:36pm Sarah motioned to adjourn meeting
Meeting adjourned.
Board Meeting Minutes
Friday, February 21, 2020
President Sester called the meeting to order at 1:16 p.m.
- Membership
- Sue O. & Kristen confirmed 57 new members
- A few applications need to be reviewed & approved
- Kristen reached out to members that have not renewed
- SHRM Leadership Conference March 6
- Sue O., Sash, Kristen and Victoria to attend
- Presenters
- Still need speakers for June, September, October, November
- Suggestion to conduct panel presentation for September
- Suggested topic: Department of One
- Possibly team up with Elgin Chamber of Commerce – they provide small business training
- Three to four panelists with moderator
- Poll group ahead of time to obtain questions and provide to panelists before meeting
- Email Blasts
- Go out to SHRM members at large
- Statists good with people reading and not unsubscribing
- Sue O. open to ideas for email blast topics
- Social Not a Social
- Looking at another breakfast
- Possibly schedule for before Halloween
- Sue O. has speaker in mind – Learning by being an effective leader
- Need to keep an eye on cash flow for event budget
- New Member Orientation
- Kevin wants to help out with ideas of getting new members integrated in chapter
- Kevin reaches out to new members and tries to make connections
- Suggestion for new members to come a little early to the meetings so board members can meet and welcome them
- Ron suggested possibly having current members act as ambassadors for new members. (Kevin and possibly Leticia may be able to assist)
- Idea to welcome new members at general meeting
- Suggestion to provide new members with gifts
- Kristen gives new members (1) free lunch & notebook
- Kristen to give Sarah and Sue O. list when new members attend
- Social Media
- Sash would like to get a baseline on what is most likely to get a response – Questions, photos, connect with others
- LinkedIn connects to those around you and prompts connections with others
- Judie had board test this Find Nearby feature on LinkedIn
Salute to Military Families
Scheduled March 28th at Allstate Arena – Lisa and Sarah to attend
- Board Bios
- Sue O. converting bios to story format
- New Member Applications
- Sue O. motioned to approve application for Grisell Nevarez. Lisa seconded
- Discussion on Reasonable Suspicion Presentation
- Presentation given cannot qualify as reasonable suspicion training
- Certified training must include all drugs
- Mike to provide additional information to members
Judie suggested that everyone look at their HRCI continuing education credits to confirm that they are being accounted for properly
Kristen added HCM online academy link to website
Shape/Excel application submitted by Lisa
Chapter’s cd is up in Septembe
2:15pm Sarah motioned to adjourn meeting – Judie seconded
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Start time 1:30 pm
President Sester called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
- Speaker Discussion
- February 21st – Reasonable Suspicion Speaker
- Judie- suggestion to promote February meeting to managers as they are on the front lines
- Policy is in place and now the managers have to use it
- Speakers set for February and March
- Ron recommends gathering topics from board
- National push for Mental Health in May
- Sue O. to send National e-blast for May Meeting
- Look at other chapters websites & archives to get ideas for meeting topics
- Get national SHRM rep. to provide ideas for speakers
- Possible have them provide recommendations for speakers
- Ron pitched speaker – Mike Marshall from Covino Consulting Groups
- Doe operational excellence
- Provided half day workshops
- Vet Mike Marshall by bringing him in to do a luncheon and see if he would be a fit for a workshop
- Website
- Kristen updating several items on website
- Board members to send biographies to Kristen
- Budget
- Budget similar to 2019 budget
- Judie motioned to approve budget ii.
- Beth seconded iii.
- Sarah finalized budget
- Budget similar to 2019 budget
- Email discussion
- Ron’s emails not coming through
- Suggestion to use non-work account to guarantee receipt of all emails, group messages
- Membership
- 5 new member applications
- Ruth Walker
- Dwaine Ackerman
- Dan McGrath
- Lindsey Mowcomber
- Augustina Vargus
- 5 new member applications
- Judie & Sue O. motioned to approve all 5 applications
- Lisa seconded
- Membership renewals currently at 33 from last year
- Kristen to send postcards and send current number
- Initiatives for membership
- Orientation for new members
- P.O. Box
- Current P.O. box not receiving much mail
- Currently have the smallest box
- Decided to retain the P.O. box
- Social Media Initiatives
- Introduced Sash Dumanovic as chair
- Share events that national and state SHRM are doing
- Send out blast that shows who passed veterans at work initiative
- Community Outreach
- Carmen busy
- Suggestion to possibly get Leticia to assist
- Event for veterans in March
- Sponsors
A. Three sponsors have been secured
- Shape/Excel Award
- To be handled by Lisa
- Veterans at Work Certification
- Sue O. sent info to group
- Kristen to send emailed info from members completing Veterans at Work certification
- Illinois Leadership Conference
- March 6th in Urbana, IL
- Judie, Beth, Kristen, Sue O. all confirmed attendance