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Dual Membership

    We have some exciting news!

    Effective August 18, 2021, Illinois Fox Valley SHRM and National SHRM are partnering together to bring our members dual membership!

    Here's what this means for you:

    ·Both your ILFVSHRM and your National SHRM memberships will be purchased in one transaction through national SHRM at,

    ·You no longer need to worry about maintaining new memberships as they will be paired together,

    ·Your national and local SHRM memberships will have the same expiration dates moving forward,

    ·All membership costs will remain the same.

    During the transition to this new plan there will be some true ups to get everyone matched up with their SHRM membership which will be the lead date. We will explain this in future communications.

    What can you do in the meantime? Make sure the email you use for and your ILFVSHRM email is the same.  Log in to your profile: