Event Details
Wage & Hour Issues: Back to Basics Webinar
Date: | October 5, 2017, 10:30am |
Organizer: | Michael Wong |
Location: | Online |
Price: | Free |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Wage & Hour Issues: Back to Basics
Event Description:
On Thursday, October 5, Michael Wong, a Partner with the law firm SmithAmundsen, LLC., will provide a live webinar presentation providing a back to basics introduction to wage and hour issues that sometimes even experienced employers fall victim to. Mike will dispel common myths and misconceptions that will allow you to manage your business and enterprises more effectively. Topics that he will discuss include:
- Federal, State and Local laws to be aware of
- Properly paying wages
- Proper calculating overtime
- What policies and procedures should you have for wage and hour issues
- Paid Time Off, Vacation and Sick Leave – what are the differences
- What is owed at Separation/Terminations
Additionally, Mike will go over what types of wage and hour claims we are seeing brought against employers.
This webinar is co-sponsored by the Elgin Area Chamber and the Illinois Fox Valley SHRM. Those registered for the webinar will receive HRCI and SHRM credit.
Click here to register: http://business.elginchamber.com/events/details/wage-and-hour-issues-webinar-back-to-basics-7732