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May 15th Meeting Registration


    Illinois Fox Valley SHRM Presents:

    Taboo Topics

    May 15, 2014 
    11:15 am - 1:00 pm
    Hickory Stick at Highlands Golf Course 875 Sports Way, Elgin, Illinois 60123
    $20 - members; $25 - member's guests; $40 - non-members 

    Presented by Valuable Resources and The Mystery Shop Theatre

    Valuable Resources along with The Mystery Shop Theatre, have created an educational and engaging performance training on Title VII compliance that you will not forget!

    Our actors and actresses perform a skit for all areas of harassment and discrimination:

    • Age,
    • Race,
    • Gender,
    • Sexual Orientation,
    • Religion,
    • National Origin, and
    • Disability.

    Our training session will:

    1. Increase productivity
    2. Decrease corporate and personal liability
    3. Offer preventative solutions to costly and potential harassment situations.

    Laurie Huspen
    Valuable Resources Co. is a human resources consulting firm established by Laurie Huspen, after working as a human resources professional specializing in training, development, compensation, recruiting and retention. Laurie graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois University, in Charleston Illinois with an English major and Pre-law minor. She continued her education at National Louis University in Wheaton Illinois and graduated in 1997 with a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management and Development. Laurie started her teaching career with College of DuPage in 1997 where she taught business courses with an emphasis in human resources. In each position she held, her responsibilities and accountability grew, which meant she grew as a professional. Since Laurie started her career in human resources in 1995, she has always worked well in start-up companies and/or programs. Anything that could be created, developed, rolled out, implemented etc., she had to be a part of it. That’s one main reason she started her own consulting firm.


    Reservations not cancelled 24 hours prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal.



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