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May 16th Meeting Registration


    Illinois Fox Valley SHRM Presents:

    "What’s going on at the EEOC-What Employers need to know about the EEOC’s Ininitiatives"

    May 16, 2013
    11:15 am - 1:00 pm
    Hickory Stick at Highlands Golf Course 875 Sports Way, Elgin, Illinois 60123
    $20 - members; $25 - member's guests; $40 - non-members 



    Over the past year the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) has taken steps to expand its substantive scope and procedural powers. This interactive session will advise employers on new and renewed EEOC initiatives such as: pregnancy discrimination, protection for transgender employees, criminal background checks, handbook and policy audits, and pay discrimination. Additionally, the expanding scope of EEOC investigations, including a focus on class action investigations and subpoena powers, will be discussed.

    Presented by Steve Teplinsky

    Partner, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP


    Mr. Teplinsky is a partner in the firm’s Chicago office, and a former member of the Management Committee.  His primary focus is the representation of management in all aspects of employment and labor law, with special emphasis in counseling and defending employers in employment discrimination and other litigation before federal and state courts, administrative agencies and arbitrators.  He also works with clients on preventative measures, developing and implementing policies and counseling on day-to-day employment and labor issues, and negotiating and drafting collective bargaining agreements.  Mr. Teplinsky frequently presents speeches, seminars and training sessions on numerous employment law topics, including sexual harassment, hiring, termination, contingent workforce, FMLA and Americans with Disabilities Act and best practices for Employers. 


    Reservations not cancelled 24 hours prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal.

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