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May 19th Registration


    Illinois Fox Valley SHRM Presents:

    Trends in Compensation, Best Practices and Helpful Tips

    May 19, 2016
    11:15 am - 1:00 pm
    Elgin Community College 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin, Illinois 60123
    Building E, Dining Room

    $20 - members; $25 - member's guests; $40 - non-members 
    (Members guests may attend once for $25, and $40 for additional meetings)

    Donald Hubbartt, Siemans USA

    **Registration is now full.  You may still register, however, lunch may not be provided.  Thank you!** 

    Trends in Compensation, best practices and helpful tips

    • Change management
    • How to speak the language of the CFO
    • FLSA revision
    • Employee Recognition
    • Gainsharing plans for production

    Don Hubbartt is Senior Director of Compensation for Siemens USA.    Don has years of progressive HR and Compensation experience across various industries; an extensive background in base compensation, short and long term incentives, recognition programs, and sales compensation.   In addition, he’s a volunteer board member and former President of the Chicago Compensation Association, and, sits on the World@Work Sales Compensation Advisory Council.

    Reservations not cancelled 3 days prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal. 





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    Reservations not canceled 24 hours prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal
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