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November 19th Registration


    Illinois Fox Valley SHRM Presents:

    New DOL Exemption - Keys to the New Regulation

    November 19, 2015
    11:15 am - 1:00 pm
    Elgin Community College 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin, Illinois 60123
    Building E, Dining Room

    $20 - members; $25 - member's guests; $40 - non-members 

    Presented by Sara Zorich, Smith Amundsen


    Reservations not cancelled 24 hours prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal. 




    This seminar will focus on what the new DOL Exempt rule is proposing, including salary change and a mechanism for it to increase on a yearly basis.  The seminar will provide tips and suggestions on how employers can prepare now for this change and creative solutions to address changing someone’s pay.  Finally, the seminar will cover how to determine whether the employee properly meets the duties test for the exemption along with the salary increase.

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    Reservations not canceled 24 hours prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal
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