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September 21st Registration Form


    Illinois Fox Valley SHRM Presents:

    A Seven-Step Program for Making Your Company Lawsuit-Proof

    September 21, 2017
    11:15 am - Registration and networking
     12:00 - 1:00 pm - Lunch and presentation

    Elgin Country Club

    2575 Weld Road, Elgin, IL 60124
    (Free valet parking is available)

    $20 - members; $25 - member's guests; $40 - non-members 
    (Members guests may attend once for $25, and $40 for additional meetings)

    Presented by Neil Dishman

    Employers large and small face risks of disputes with employees - and these disputes can happen at any stage of the employment relationship, from hiring to firing and at every point in between.  In this presentation, Mr. Dishman will cover a wide range of areas within employment law, in order to arm attendees with a plan for how to bulletproof their HR practices.  Topics to be covered include:

    • Navigating the pitfalls in the hiring process - how to safely use (or not use) background checks, credit history, arrest records, and social media.
    • Three keys to making defensible disciplinary and termination decisions, and three blunders to avoid.
    • What you should (and should never) say to an employee seeking a medical accommodation or leave of absence.
    • A few steps to drastically reduce the chances of an overtime or wage dispute.
    Please register by 9/13
    Please contact


    Reservations not cancelled 3 days prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal. 





    Please Enter the First and Last Name of the Member which you will attend with as a Guest
    Please RSVP by clicking Yes or No
    If you are not a member of ILFVSHRM, would you like to be contacted and provided information on the benefits of membership?
    Reservations not canceled 3 days prior to the meeting will be charged the cost of the meal
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