Frequently Asked Questions
1) Who can become a member of the Illinois Fox Valley SHRM?
A. Any current paid member in good standing of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is eligible to apply for membership in the IFV SHRM. We are recognized as a 100% chapter. That means that all members of our chapter must also maintain membership with SHRM.
2) Why does the chapter maintain a 100% chapter status?
A. To our chapter, this means additional financial support from SHRM. This program returns a portion of each SHRM member’s dues to our chapter via quarterly payments. In addition, 100% status helps the chapter for the annual merit award.
3) When does our chapter meet?
A. Our chapter holds luncheon meetings the third Thursday of each month. Registration begins at 11:15am for in person meetings with the general meeting and monthly presentation running from 11:45am – 1:00pm. Virtual meetings start at 12:00pm.
4) Can non-members and visitors attend our meetings?
A. Yes, members are encouraged to bring guests and other professionals to our meetings. However, there is an increased charge for guests of members, visitors and non-members. Increased rates are charged in an effort to encourage non-members to join our chapter. If you have a guest, or know someone in the HR profession who are members of SHRM, please contact the Membership committee, who can arrange attendance at no-charge for their first visit. The VP of Membership or Assistant Membership who are the only members authorized to arrange a no-charge visit.
5) How can I become more involved in the chapter?
A. By running for a Board position, or volunteering to participate on a special committee when the need arises.
6) How does the chapter communicate with me?
A. To minimize mailing costs, and because we live in a highly technical society, our primary method of communication is email. Your email address is confidential and our chapter only uses email addresses for IL Fox Valley chapter business. Since our bylaws don’t allow solicitation of any kind, you can be assured your e-mail address won’t be shared.
7) I am not receiving email communication, what should I do?
A. Send an email to Or contact VP Membership.
8) How does the chapter handle confidentiality and my personal information?
A. Your member information is not shared with or sold to any business or non-SHRM organization. Additionally, the IL Fox Valley SHRM member directory is maintained on our website, and is meant for the exclusive use of our members. Any misuse of this confidential information by members or their company/organization is strictly prohibited and is a violation of the IL Fox Valley and SHRM code of ethics.
9) Who do I call if I have an idea for a program or I know someone that would make a good speaker.
A. Contact the VP or Assistant Program board member. We are always looking for speakers well in advance. Or, we may have a cancellation or the need for a replacement on short notice.
10) How should I address a problem or issue that might arise with the IL Fox Valley SHRM?
A. Contact the President or any Board member with whom you are comfortable discussing the issue.
11) I know someone that is interested in joining the IL Fox Valley SHRM. What should I do?
A. Invite this person as your guest to the next open general meeting and a pay a reduced fee. If this person is a member of SHRM, you should contact VP Membership or Assistant Membership who have the authority to invite your guest to their first meeting at no charge.
12) I am certified and need recertification credits. How can IFVSHRM help me?
A. One of the many benefits of membership is that the majority of our programs have been approved by HRCI and SHRM for recertification credits.