Sponsor Application
Basic package
“Seize the Opportunity”
- Placement of informational materials on table by entrance.
- Advertise on our website with a link to your company’s website. (Business card size ad on an internal page)
- Opportunity to provide marketing items and place on meeting tables.
6 months - $100 for Members; $200 for Non-Members
12 months - $175 for Members; $275 for Non-Members
(12 month sponsors have a link to their ad on the welcome page of our website. Limited space)
“The Ultimate Performance”
- An opportunity to give a 5-minute presentation during the business portion of one of our monthly meetings. (Some limitations will apply)
$50 with one of the above packages
$150 for non-members
Sponsor Application
Name:______________________________________________ Today’s Date:________________________
Company:______________________________________________________ Phone no.____________________
Package: Seize the Opportunity ____ 6 Months or ____ 12 Months
Added Value: The Ultimate Performance ____ ($50 with one of the above packages or $150)
Presentation Months Requested 1st_______________2nd_________________ Choice
Total Amount:____________ Make checks payable to Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
Mail to: P.O. Box 5780 Elgin, IL 60121
Sponsorships must be contracted and paid 30 days prior to start date.
Email: illinoisfoxvalleyshrm@yahoo.com
Dedicated to supporting the continued growth of individuals in the Human Resources profession.