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October 17th After Meeting Survey

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    This survey is for people who attended the October 17th, 2024 presentation,

    The Power of Authentic Questions: Making 2025 a Truly Awe-Full Year

    Roger knows the importance of authentic questions, and the often-destructive nature
    of sentences that end in periods. And yet, we seem to have lost the art of entering brilliant new
    futures—and engaging in generative conversations—using the provocative question mark.

    Your feedback is important to us and helps us improve our chapter.

    On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being very satisfied and 1 being very dissatisfied
    On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being very satisfied and 1 being very dissatisfied
    On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being very satisfied and 1 being very dissatisfied
    Select all that apply
    Please select your preferred option for meetings
    Select all that apply. If you are interested please provide your contact details at the end of the form.
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