IL FV SHRM Chapter President Job Description
Position Summary:
Provide leadership to the local chapter consistent with state, regional, and SHRM policy, strategies and objectives. Effectively operate the chapter so that the needs of the members are met. Perform other duties as required by the local chapter's bylaws. Serve as a voting member of the state council.
Responsible To:
The members of the chapter
The state council director
- Conduct the business of the chapter in accordance with the chapter bylaws and serve as chairperson of the chapter's board of directors.
- Preside over the activities of all officers and directors, as well as standing committees, to ensure the accomplishment of chapter goals, objectives, and strategies.
- Monitor the use, accounting, and handling of the chapter funds.
- Chair all meetings of chapter officers and members.
- Participate in/Lead the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Accumulate information all year about the chapter and compile it for the Chapter SHAPE Plan submitted to SHRM by January 31 each year. Submission of the Chapter SHAPE Plan is required by SHRM and covers the year previous calendar year
- Prepares submissions for chapter awards, if applicable.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend state council meetings and actively participate in state council matters. Provide information to state council as an elected representative of the chapter. Appoint proxy to attend state council meetings when unable to attend.
- Maintain communication with the state council director and the SHRM Regional Team.
- Communicate state, regional and/or SHRM’s goals, policies, and programs to chapter members.
- Represent the state council to local chapter leaders and the membership.
- Must be an SHRM member in good standing for entire term of office.
Resources Available:
- SHRM supplies the following resources for chapter presidents
- SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) Planning Workbook
- Chapter Best Practices
- Chapter Position Descriptions
- SHRM Guide to Chapter Financial Management
- SHRM-Approved Graphics
- SHRM Graphics Standards Manual for Affiliates
- Fundamentals of Chapter Operations
- SHRM Strategic Planning Toolkit
- Succession Planning for Your Chapter Board of Directors
And MUCH MORE…available online at