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IL FV SHRM President Elect

    President Elect

    Position Summary:
    Assist the president in overseeing all the activities of the chapter.  In the absence of the president, perform all the presidential responsibilities.

    Responsible To:
    The members of the chapter
    The chapter president


    • Perform all special projects as assigned by the president.
    • Upon request, assist all officers in performing their responsibilities.
    • Attend (and preside over, if necessary) all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
    • Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
    • Represent the chapter in the human resources community
    • Responsible for ordering the name plate for the incoming president and ordering the outgoing president’s clock from Things Remembered.  Treasurer to provide additional information.
    • Attend all required conferences and seminars required by SHAPE
    • SHRM supplies the following resources for chapter vice-presidents or presidents-elect
      • SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) Planning Workbook
      • Chapter Best Practices
      • Chapter Position Descriptions
      • SHRM Guide to Chapter Financial Management
      • SHRM-Approved Graphics for Chapters
      • SHRM Graphics Standards Manual for Affiliates
      • Fundamentals of Chapter Operations
      • SHRM Strategic Planning Toolkit

    And MUCH MORE…available online at