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IL FVSHRM Chapter Coordinator

    Chapter Coordinator 


    Chapter Coordinator Position Summary:
    To provide administrative support in order to keep chapter members and non-members informed through printed, electronic and other forms of communication. Provides support to chapter board as directed.

    Responsible To:
    Members of the Chapter                     Vice President Membership               Chapter President


    • Create and distribute monthly chapter meeting invitations at least 3 weeks prior to meeting.  Sends reminders to undecided members.
    • Sends board members registration report week prior to meeting.
    • Tracks attendance through the website.  Maintains accuracy of attendees and reports information to treasurer.
    • Create and send invoices to no show attendees.
    • Answer requests for new membership applications.
    • Process new member applications (send to board for approval, verify national membership, enter into website, roster and add to contact list.)
    • Collect Primary Chapter Designation forms and send to National SHRM.
    • Act as a greeter for chapter at monthly meetings.  Collects meeting fees and provides receipts and recertification information.
    • Brings to each chapter meeting:
      • Name badges
      • Promotional materials for SHRM and ILFVSHRM (including free meeting cards)
      • Attendance roster
    • Follow up with members whose email addresses no longer work.
    • Provides administrative support to board members when requested.
    • Works with and monitors social media networking such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
    • Update meeting information and other items as needed on chapter website.
    • Coordinate meeting dates with meeting venue each year.
    • Plan lunch menu for monthly meetings.